Friday, March 5, 2010

Click your heels twice... there is no place like home!

I was bouncing like a small girl awaiting the arrival of her new Barbie. God I love Joburg. In fact I love Joburg so much that when I watch eNews and see ponte (A drug filled disgusting heap of a skyscraper) in the background of their studio, I get homesick.
It seems like a strange statement at first. Joburg is, after all, a large, sprawling smog filled city almost completely devoid of any natural beauty. What most people, who have not lived in the city for any measurable amount of time, miss is that while it is not naturally beautiful and yes we have mine dumps where others have mountains, its sure got a whole lot of style. There is a vibe in Joburg an intangible feeling you get from the minute you arrive. It’s a buzz, a frenetic energy that sweeps you up and carries you along.
Most Joburgers can’t wait to leave Joburg and think longingly of moving to Cape Town or really anywhere else along the coast (blame it on being beech deprived). The strange thing is that once said Joburgers find themselves permanent residents as opposed to holiday makers in these ‘greener pastures’ the illusion often fades. Many a Joburger returns saying that there is after all no place like home and that despite the grunge, Joburg is still the best place to live.
So you understand why today I find myself bouncing uncontrollably as I wait for my flight into the city of gold. Living in CT may be cool but the novelty soon wears off and you kinda long for the potholes (else why drive a 4x4?), a place where bergies don’t sleep under your car (yes, its true I have my own security bergie in CT), the green glow of Sandton City on the skyline and yes even the infamous ponte.

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