Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Alternative Economy or Idealogical Rubbish?

Conspiracy theorists like Michael Moore and movies like Zeitgiest Adendum criticised the banking system saying it is essentially a tool used to rob people and governments of their hard earned money. Tim Jenkins,the apartheid era escape artist has proposed an alternative economy which essentially means to do away with money and banks Jenkins came to sell his new economy to us at the cadet school but I was unsold.

Why I wont use the Community Exchange System

The community exchange system (CES) was initially sold to us as an alternative to the current money based economy. Tim Jenkins one of the exchanges initiators explained that the current economy has no value but is rather based purely on debt. His alternative economy uses talents to trade for goods and services in a worldwide web-based network. His model may have potential applications in very poor unskilled communities but I fail to see how it will be implemented a large scale, so long as there is the current money-based economy in place. I was unsold by his naive stance that his system is a cure for all that ails the world, including global warming. I too believe that there needs to be a solution to the oil dependency of our time but my interest lies in finding environmentally sound alternatives rather than redesigning the economy. I think to assume, as he does, that when oil runs out that the world will collapse, is to sell short the ingenuity and adaptability of humanity. So far as I can see, his system relies on honesty and the tenant that all people are good and can be trusted. Frankly that’s not my experience of this world cynical, as that is. I will not be using Jenkin’s CES as frankly I think its all a bit too ideological for my scientific brain.

See the CES website: http://community-exchange.org/

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