Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This year I learnt...

Its that time of year. All around Christmas trees are going up, people are overspending and parktown prawns seem to be in every dark corner. As the roads quieten down and the offices empty out many people get nostalgic about family time and special people in their lives. Some get depressed, some go on holiday and others become the sickeningly festive sort that hum Christmas carols. 

I like to use this time of year to take stock and reflect on things. It's been an interesting year and a big one for me. This year I got the job I had only dreamed I would one day have, I bought a house and I found a family I never knew. I also had to say goodbye to family as they moved away, dealt with an unhealthy relationship and realised what is was like to have no food in my cupboards.

This year I learnt:
  1. Green sterrie stumpie is underrated. 
  2. Drama is overrated. Avoid it and you will be happier
  3. People will walk away from you and sometimes you will need to walk away from people and that is okay.
  4. Hangovers get worse as you get older.
  5. Oil heaters will melt your skin off if you get too close.
  6. People are shit especially when money is involved.
  7. The people who are in your life for better or worse, are often the ex-lovers or people you never spoke to in high school, but only sometimes the friend you swore was forever.
  8. Dogs are really proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy.
  9. It is okay to be selfish sometimes. 
  10. There will come a point when your happiness will be more important than that of others.
  11. I am imperfect and quite comfortable with that even the squishy bits.
  12. Throws from Mr Price are extremely flammable. As are couches.
  13. You don't have to like me, in fact you probably will not, and I am okay with that.
  14. High heels do in fact equal respect.
  15. Being able to count your friends on one hand is a good thing. I used to think it was a weird thing to value. I mean why not say you are blessed if you can count your friends on two hands, or maybe both your hands and your feet? I get it now.
  16. And finally: 

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