Sunday, February 14, 2010

With friends like these who needs anemones

Walking on the beach in gumboots is bound to get you some strange looks especially since it was blazing hot and perfectly sunny. This morning I donned my polkadot gumboots and hit the rocks near St.James beach, camera in hand, to cover my first story as a journalist. It is hard hitting, it is serious, oh yes, its is for the Jellybean Journal of the Weekend Argus. Let me explain. The Jellybean Journal is the kids section of the weekend paper and our first real reporting assignment is to write a story for this supplement. My story covers what kids can expect to find in the rock pools around Cape Town and how to safely and responsibly explore them.
Since spring tide was this morning and with a distinct lack of suitors beating down my door to woo me, I spent my valentines making friends with anemones.
The locals sitting on the boardwalk must have thought they had hit the morning entertainment jackpot with me on the sliding around the rocky shore. Walking on the algae covered rocks(yes, seaweed is in fact a type of algae) with an expensive camera is no mean feat when you are as clumsy as I am. Luckily for my camera I value it more than my own body. Every time I slipped, and I slipped a lot, I made dam sure my body cushioned the fall of my precious camera. On the upside if you were artistically inclined towards blues and purples you might find considerable joy in the various colours of my somewhat spectacular bruises.

I cant share the story or photos from this storey with you until its published (or if its not). In the mean time here are some pictures I took from my balcony and also some from my friends farm out in Botriver... Enjoy!

The twilight view from my balcony... now who says newspapers don't look after their staff!?

The idea of looking through windows in old or abandoned buildings and using the empty frames to outline your photos is something I often experiment with.

Old farm implements always fascinate me

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